SommOne VIP Program Solutions

Your resort, hotel or restaurant group may already have a VIP program and many of your VIPs are likely wine-inclined.

Find out how SommOne can highlight your wine program, give you a competitive edge with your VIPs, build even greater loyalty, drive more revenue and keep them coming back for more.

Screenshot of Wine Personalization Survey by SommOne

Building Loyalty with Personalization

More than ever guests are looking for personalized experiences which make lasting memories.

My Wine Guide can help you create those experiences & increase customer spend.

Screenshot of Edward, the Virtual Sommelier

A Virtual Sommelier from Reservation to Departure

Imagine…. available anywhere, at the bar, patio, in-room or on the beach.

SommOne is both your CRM of guest wine preferences and your guest’s digital sommelier available anytime of day to recommend, place an order, pair wine and food, or stock your VIPs room.


Digital Ordering

Imagine, It’s 7:00 and one of your VIP customer has a reservation at 8:00.

Its for a party of four and your VIP knows they’ll want a bottle of white and a bottle of red.

She places the order from her room at 7:15.

When she arrives your host greets her and her wines are ready.

Stock Image of Friends Enjoying Champaign at Dinner

Let’s have Champagne

Dinner and the wines were a huge success.

Your VIP and friends are on the patio.

Your VIP guest proposes a bottle of champagne for the table while they consider deserts.

She places the champagne order with My Wine Guide.

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